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Only what Jesus has done

The Good News Mission strives to guide people to break free from the sins that darkens their hearts and leads them to live a happy and bright life. We wish to present the happiness found in the Bible to everyone: from little children to the heads of states from all around the world.

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컨퍼런스 강의


We at the Christian Leaders Fellowship (CLF) believe that when we put aside artificial divides and come together to believe solely in the scripture, we will see a “greater awakening” that will touch the hearts of our church members, youth, and communities. At the CLF, we prioritize equipping our leaders with the Word, refreshing our spirit through fellowship, and impacting the world with the gospel.


Bible Seminar

The Bible seminars are offered either annually or semiannually for residents in various cities across Europe for those that wish to learn about the Bible. The guest speakers may be pastors or missionaries from different cities or countries. The audience may have chance at the end to freely discuss any questions from the scripture or problems in their lives.

이미지 제공: Omar Lopez

Winter Camp / 
Summer Retreat

The retreat held in the first and second half of each year provides a valuable opportunity to renew the souls of our brothers and sisters and share the gospel with new individuals.

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